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HJR0028 - A Proposal for a Constitutional Amendment

HJR0028 is a proposal add an amendment to the Tennessee State Constitution saying "a person must not be compelled to undergo a medical treatment, even in the case of a declared state of emergency. For the purposes of this section, "medical treatment" includes any medical procedure, drug administration, vaccination, or other intervention intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or mitigate any physical or mental condition." The broad nature of this proposed constitutional amendment would make it illegal for 

  • someone with a mental illness to be compelled to take medication that keeps themselves and others safe.

  • workplaces or courts to mandate drug or alcohol addiction treatment as a condition of continued employment or reinstatement of a driver's license.

  • a person to be required to treat an infectious disease before returning to work or school.

  • schools and sports organizations to require a medical examination in order to play a sport.

  • hospitals, schools, or private businesses to require vaccinations to protect those with whom they work.

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